
Monday, January 16, 2012

Inspired to Work

I haven't posted anything recently because I have been immersed in an online course taught by Elizabeth Barton. It's called "Inspired to Design," and it's--well--inspiring. Elizabeth Barton is way up there on my list of quilters I respect and admire, and I had wanted to take her course ever since she first offered it online through Quilt University a couple of years ago, but it would fill immediately whenever registration opened so I kept missing the opportunity.  Finally I made it in and am now well into the second week.

Some parts of her design process are things I already do, but her basic approach is different from the one I use and that has proven challenging. Yet it is very stimulating to try a new perspective and her methods force me to look more closely at the focus of my design and at the world in general. I am seeing patterns and design possibilities even more than I did before, and I like that. It is a real gift to be able to open someone's eyes and Elizabeth has that gift.

I am not sure where this will take me and what, if anything, I will have at the end to show for all the hours I am putting in, but I feel it will have changed me and my approach to quilting.

And, if you are still reading, thanks for the company, before I immerse myself once again in design possibilities.

1 comment:

Kats Studio said...

Sounds like a great challenge for the new year. It's good to step outside our comfort zone and see things through anothers eyes.