
Sunday, June 2, 2013


Last Sunday we officially made the move and after a seven-and-a-half hour drive that turned into ten with the UHaul truck, we found ourselves in our new home amid towers of boxes.  Organizing my studio looked daunting every time I (or Terra, who is always willing to help) looked in the door:

But today the studio looks like this--

still a little disorganized but it is beginning to feel like a good place to work. A working wall is up--and I actually did some quilting work, not just organizing work yesterday. Today Tom got the shelves for my hand-dyes put together so I can empty more boxes of fabric tomorrow--and tomorrow the weather wizards have promised an end to this mind-numbing heat wave that has been smothering us. So I have big plans for the morning!

And if you are still with me in this new space I am creating, thanks for the company!

1 comment:

Susan said...

The new studio looks great...I love the nice big window!