
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Square One and Beyond

I wrote all my previous post before I actually sat down and did my first square. I began by trying to decide what line pattern I would do and, since the line is supposed to reflect the day I am having, I finally opted for serendipity just letting one stitch lead to another. I grabbed some purple thread--this was definitely a purple day-- and I had a great time making curves that matched or sort of matched. I kept wanting to do one more row of stitches until more than half an hour had passed (there were, of course, interruptions) and I had to move on to other things. 
But when I looked at the finished product I saw---imperfections.  This stitch was a little awry.  This curve could have been deeper. As I cleaned out the dishwasher, I saw the light: this little square was indeed a reflection of the day (perhaps life?)--in the midst of the process I was enjoying myself, and even though the final result was less than perfect, that joy was still there. If only perfect days brought happiness, would we ever smile? So I decided not to do it over but keep it as a reminder that the first attempt at anything is usually tentative. These are supposed to be quick gestures, not well planned, complex pieces.

And this day brought much, much happiness. All of my kids, kids-in-law, and grandkids, who all live more than seven hours away and are very busy people, colluded with my husband and neighbors to surprise me at my birthday supper. The delicious chaos of the next two days put my resolution to the test, but I managed to make a square each day and now there are seven. I told myself that all I had to do was five minutes--and that rule may mean this project has a chance of succeeding. Only time will tell if this collection of squares becomes anything of value.
The last two represent my battling a cold with a fever when there seemed to be a large ugly mountain I had to climb in order to get anything done (penultimate square) and then when I just wanted to collapse in a small heap (last square). Today's square should be a bit more upbeat.

And, if you are still with me, thanks for the company!

1 comment:

quilthexle said...

So many interesting lines - how fascinating! Hope you feel already better ;-))