The layout I worked out on the floor at home --
did not translate exactly when I put it up on the panels, but most of it worked:
Since I had done this before, I set off Saturday morning confident that I knew what to expect--always a bad sign when you think you know the future. The predicted sunny morning became cold, rainy, and windy and a problem with the heating system in City Hall made most of the day uncomfortable for those who braved the weather and downright unpleasant for those of us who had to stay there. By Saturday evening I was asking myself why I was doing this. But Sunday showed me why. The day was brisk but sunny and I ended up selling a few things and having a number of significant conversations about my art and about art and life in general.
Making art is often a solitary experience because, for me, quiet encourages creativity. But on Sunday I was seeing glimpses of threads of connection as people reacted to my work, I was strengthening the threads that form the community I now call home even though it still feels new sometimes, and I was creating new threads in the community of artists that inspires and encourages me. Like the spider I watched last summer who was diligently and accurately creating her web, I was working on those webs that connect us all in so many ways. It feels good to measure the success of the weekend in terms of making instead of selling.
And if you are still reading, thanks for the company!
Linking with Off the Wall Friday.