One of those pieces Seascape is above, second from right. Once again I was pleased with how well the fiber art fit with the oils, watercolors, acrylics, and pastels. I also heard many compliments on the quality of the hanging. Twenty-one members participated so there was a wide variety of styles and mediums, but I was willing to accept one-sixth of those positive comments since there were six of us who worked very hard to create a coordinated show. And look at the sight lines that were created! Things moved easily from wall to wall. Here's a bigger view of the downstairs gallery from one perspective:
On another wall the very strong, very large piece by Jane Coder connects with Ethel Hills' and Ted Leigh's small collages:
So the six of us managed to create another work of art by committee.
And here is a quieter wall with another of my pieces In Possibility on the far right.
Upstairs were more walls to fill, where my piece Dancing with Shadows paired nicely with one of Anika Savage's
And we had plenty of space to give some of the many small pieces our members created some breathing room:

As all exhibits must, this show comes down this afternoon.